For a lot of people, when Sri Lanka or Ceylon is mentioned, tea is the first thing that comes to mind. You can’t blame them, for Ceylon tea is some of the best to be found in the entire world. Indeed, I know some people who will not settle for anything less than Ceylon … [Read more...]
Welcome to Ceylon Luxury!
Welcome to Ceylon Luxury! Sri Lanka (or Ceylon as it was once known) is considered by many to be the most beautiful country in the world. Stunning beaches, breathtaking mountain views, lush tea plantations, tranquil lakes, tropical forests and the list goes on.... The country … [Read more...]
Tea Trails: Colonial Splendor in Tea Country
Perhaps one of the most obvious and desirable things to do when traveling to Sri Lanka is to to visit the tea country. As writes: "The Sri Lankan tea industry is the country's largest employer providing jobs directly and indirectly to over a million people. It … [Read more...]
Care for Some Ceylon Tea?
Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka, may no longer carry its original name but not to worry because the name is still used in its major produce, the tea. Ceylon tea remains to be popular worldwide owing to its unique taste and richness. Sri Lanka today boasts of a wide expanse of … [Read more...]
Tea Beginnings in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka may be just a small country off the tip of India but it is rich in agricultural product. In fact, it is the world's fourth top tea producer. The country's tea export business is now valued at $1.5 billion while the agricultural tea production accounts for 2.5 percent of … [Read more...]